Member Spotlight

Get to Know Some Of the ICC Members

Hailing from houses large (29 members) to small (5 members), the SHC attracts membership from all diversities and walks of life. Both graduate student and undergraduate student bodies and international students contribute to keeping the SHC sustainable and successful. Members come from all backgrounds, but all have a unified dedication keeping the SHC an awesometaculer place to live.

Here are some of them!

Elena Lamping

House: Black Elk
Time in the ICC: 6 terms
Previous Leadership Positions: Board Representative & House President
Current Position: Part-Time Staff, ICSPR Coordinator

What does a normal week in the life of an ICC leader look like?
Emails. Every day. Wake up, emails. Sit down, emails. House dinner? Emails.

How did you first get involved with a leadership position within the ICC?
At my very first room pick meeting I knew that I wanted to dive head first into learning the ins and outs of cooperative, so I threw my hat in the ring for either president or board rep!

What is most rewarding about your position; what makes it all worthwhile?
The beautiful community that has flourished in the house this year. People build each other up, offer support and kind words when needed, and generally enjoy their living environment. We’re all working together to create a safe, loving, and understanding space.


Stephen “Dad of Truth” Tryban

House: Truth
Time in the ICC: 5 terms
Leadership Position: Board Representative

What does a normal week in the life of an ICC leader look like?
Meetings. Lots of meetings. And likely juggling house questions and the occasional conflict.

How did you first get involved with a leadership position within the ICC?
I was encouraged by the board representative before me, who believed it’d be a great opportunity for me to grow within the organization.

What is most rewarding about your position; what makes it all worthwhile?
Being able to see the organization from a top-down perspective and understanding just how far our organization has come. And it’s still growing!

How do you keep a healthy work/life balance?
Talk with my housemates about their interests and start the most random conversations, especially when they don’t necessarily relate to my academic work.

What do you wish other people knew about the ICC?
It may seem like a jarring experience at first, but in time living in a community will seem like second nature. Any other living experience will pale in comparison.

Olivia Crowley

ICC member since 2014
Luther Co-oP Forever!
VP for Operations 

Olivia has been very available and putting in work that is beyond her requirements. She has been in the co-ops for awhile and has a great perspective and appreciation for the cooperative movement and our mission. She is always open to hearing many perspectives which is an invaluable quality of a leader. She stepped into her position around a time when the organization was hurting, and she has done an amazing job to continue goals and bring in her unique spice of ICC flavor. I am so happy to have worked with her, and I do not believe that many members are aware of the work she puts in because she is a humbled leader. She initiates others to take leadership positions and this does not go unnoticed.”

John Simpkins

ICC member since 2013
Baker & King Resident 
Tech Team Chair
2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

“John has essentially changed the course of IT at the ICC this year and in recent year. John has almost single-handedly put a technology plan together to bring us all into the current century, including getting this plan passed. Now we see him implementing an IT/internet connection upgrade process for most houses, helping negotiate affordable cable and telephone contracts, and most recently helping Escher get fiber internet. John is a true co-oper, working with so many personalities and vendors, and staying committed for years to a path of progress for the ICC that is vital to applicants being attracted to living here and to members being connected to online resources and entertainment as they expect to be.”