
501 M.A.C.

Members: 23 (11 singles, 6 non-singles)
Approx. cost: Single-$651/mo Non-single-$479/mo
Floors: 3
Bathrooms: 6
Mealplan: Yes
Refrigerators: 4
Laundry: 2 washers, 2 dryers
Common Areas: Living room, “tree” room, dining room/kitchen, basement den
Highlights: Elevated back deck, gardens, newly renovated, hardwood floors, high-speed internet
Bus Line: #24 and #26 CATA Lines
Nearby Locations: MSU Union, CVS Pharmacy, Hopcat
Blocks from campus: 3


Ohaus is a fun-loving place. We are one big family that values spending time together, being silly and having fun. We strive to be an intentional community where everyone feels valued, loved, and heard. We value being sustainable and everyone makes an effort to compost, recycle, and reduce energy use in all ways that we can. We expect our housemates to be respectful and eager to participate so we are able to continue to build this close knit culture.

Orion House Constitution

Orion Floor Plan

Interested? Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact Seth, the Membership Officer, at membershiporion@gmail.com

Orion Gallery



Once the Theta Psi fraternity house, this building, at 501 M.A.C., was sold to a group of private individuals in 1971. It was turned into a boarding house, with one big area and several small rooms, many with kitchens. It became a co-op in 1973, after being purchased by SHC, and was named Tralfamadore, after the planet in Kurt Vonnegut’s book, Slaughterhouse Five. Due to the house’s poor condition, SHC decided to start fresh by renaming the house Orion in 1988 after Dr. Orion Ulrey, an Agricultural Economics Professor and adviser for many of the early student co-ops who helped found Hedrick House.

After one year as a graduate co-op in 1989, it was opened for general membership. In 1993, the first floor was renovated and a deck was built, and in 1995 the third floor was renovated, making it a fine cooperative house. In September of 1996, members changed the co-op’s name to NASA. This didn’t last long—during the summer of 1997, the members restored Orion as the name of the house.