New Community

Members: 15 (7 singles, 4 non-singles)
Approx. cost: Single-$625/mo Non-single-$453/mo
Floors: 4 (walkout basement)
Bathrooms: 4
Pantry: Yes
Refrigerators: 2
Laundry: 1 washer, 1 dryer
Common Areas: 1st floor living room and bar room, basement kitchen with dining room
Highlights: “The Airlock:” mural space with upright bike rack/indoor garden, garden space and large compost bin, upstairs deck with multi-level access, large parking lot.
Bus Line: #1 CATA line
Nearby Locations: Berkey Hall & Olin Health Center, The Peanut Barrel (bar), MSUFCU (credit union), SBS (bookstore), No Thai, Moge Tee, Broad Art Museum
Blocks from campus: 2

Stepping into New Comm is like stepping into wonderland! It is the most magical place imaginable, a place where you can truly be yourself. New Comm has a very relaxed environment, the couches are comfy, the cartoons are hilarious, and the company is wonderful. New Comm exists for the sake of spreading love and kindness throughout the universe, through compassion and cooperation.  You’ll find the most kind and genuine people at New Comm, and that is really what makes this house special!

New Community House Constitution

New Community Floor Plan

Interested? Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact Andrew, the Membership Officer, at

New Comm Gallery


Started by a group of radical cooperators in 1969 who wanted a less structured living style, the group, which called themselves New Community, began renting different houses in the late 1960s and running them as sort of counter-culture, utopian co-op experiments, joining the newborn Student Housing Cooperative in 1972.

After losing the original property on Albert (which was moved to M.A.C Ave. to make way for the Marriott), SHC rented a property at 437 Abbott, a location of several previous co-ops (such as Nexus and Phoenix), and it became New Community in 1979. With money from the HUD loan in 1980, SHC purchased properties 415 and 425 Ann to provide housing for New Community members.

New Community did not last long as a two-house cooperative. In 1981, the properties split and New Community became exclusively located at 425 Ann. SHC operated 415 Ann Street as a rental property until 1995, when it became a brand-new five-member co-op, Toad Lane.

From 1997 until 2004, New Community operated as the official Honors College co-op, but returned to  open membership. In 2010 and 2011, the residents engaged in home improvement projects, painting several rooms (including the kitchen), removing old carpet and refinishing wood floors, and having tile installed in the first floor bathroom and hallways.