
Members: 18 members (14 singles, 2 non-singles)
Approx. cost: Single-$685/mo Non-single-$513/mo
Floors: 3
Bathrooms: 6
Mealplan: Yes
Refrigerators: 3, Full freezer
Laundry: 2 washer, 2 dryer
Common Areas: Living room, kitchen, rec. room, deck
Highlights: Large front deck, Shed, hardwood floors
Bus Line: #1, #20, #31 CATA line
Nearby Locations: Quality Dairy, Harrison Road House, Udon Sushi Bakery, Brody Complex
Blocks from campus: 2

236 N. Harrison

Welcome to the House of Apollo! Voted the friendliest house in the SHC, we pride ourselves on our community and commitment to cooperative values. We spend a lot of time together as a house, watching movies, going on trips, holding craft nights, and making music. Our house is made of mostly singles and has a great member to bathroom ratio. We have multiple common spaces: a living room with a stage and projector, a large (recently remodeled) kitchen, a rec room with another projector and plenty of space for events, and a dining room where we have house meals twice a week. Outside we have a large deck and garden. Our house also has a lot of murals, and we encourage our members to paint their own! We like to spend time with co-opers from other houses, hosting open mic nights and the occasional get-together. Finally, we love welcoming new members and are open to all.

Apollo House Constitution

Apollo Floor Plan

Interested?  Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact the Membership Officer at membershipapollo@gmail.com.

The house at 236 Harrison was purchased in 2005 following the sale of the Atlantis Co-op on Bogue Street.  Atlantis had been sold in anticipation of the City of East Lansing’s plan to exercise eminent domain for the Cedar Village area development project.

The new group of members, some of them transplants from Atlantis and other co-op houses, named the house Avalon.
In the Fall of 2012, the house was completely repopulated. The new members decided to rename the house, “House of Apollo,” in honor of the Apollo missions.