
Members: 9 (5 singles, 2 non-singles)
Approx. cost: Single-$614/mo Non-single-$442/mo
Floors: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Mealplan: No
Refrigerators: 2
Laundry: 1 washer, 1 dryer
Facilities: Shed, basement, front porch.
Common Areas: Living room, dining room, kitchen
Highlights: Back upper deck, patio shared with Miles Davis Co-op, small and quaint house
Bus Line: #1 CATA line
Nearby Locations: Mason/Abbot Halls,  Student Services Building, Jimmy Johns, Espresso Royale (coffee shop), The Peanut Barrel (bar), MSUFCU (credit union)
Blocks from campus: 1


Zolton Ferency runs on intersectional feminism. We welcome diverse backgrounds, experiences, and are femme/queer friendly. We strive to fight the badisms and operate as an intentionally anti-oppressive house by not allowing sexism, racism, transphobia, classism, homophobia, etc. Boundaries matter and we require consent. Our house values spending quality time with each other and ensuring a safe (but fun) space for all.

Ferency Constitution & Standing Rules

Ferency Floor Plan

Interested? Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact Ana, the Membership Officer at wagenchr@msu.edu.

Ferency Gallery

Ferency House Constitution



The house at 146 Collingwood was built in the 1930s and purchased to be part of Hedrick in 1964. Before the co-ops were co-ed, the women of Hedrick lived here, while the men were next door. Part of SHC’s HUD loan provided money for renovations in 1980. In 1986, during an infamous retreat to Key Largo, Florida, board members decided to split Hedrick into two co-ops, and the 146 and 152 Collingwood were named Key Largo as a reminder. 152 Collingwood later became Miles Co-op, and Key Largo was recently re named Ferency in memory of Zolton Ferency, a popular professor, perennial political candidate, and long-time friend to the co-ops.