Members: 19 (17 singles, 1 non-single) Approx cost: Single-$646 Non-single-$474 Floors: 3 Bathrooms: 7 Mealplan: Yes, Vegetarian/Vegan Option Refrigerators: 3 Laundry: 1 washer, 1 dryer Common Areas: Living room, dining room, kitchen Highlights: Newly renovated, organic garden, outdoor composting Bus Line: Abbot Rd. Bus Line Nearby Locations: Post Office, Library, Hannah Community Center Blocks from campus: 10
127 Whitehills
Bower is a co-op house that feels like a home! While it’s close enough to MSU’s campus to walk or ride a bike to class, it’s far enough away from the hustle and bustle of a college town. We’re a vegetarian based co-op with a meal plan including vegan dinners multiple nights a week. We love to have game nights, craft nights, play with our cats, and have themed gatherings. At 19 members, we love to bond and have fun together while prioritizing respect and consent. We work hard to be sustainable and environmentally friendly by having our own compost and garden, and by recycling! Bower is a great place to meet people and get adjusted to the East Lansing area! If you want to live in a place with a diverse group of caring, open minded people, Bower is the place to be!
Interested? Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact Chloe, the Membership Officer, at
Several houses were established after World War II to house veterans returning to college. In 1947, Bower House became the fifth housing co-op in East Lansing. Named after Bob Bower, who was killed during the war, it remained an all-men’s house until the late 1960s. Over the next several years, the men continued to dominate house governance. Tensions rose when Vietnam veterans returned to the house. In 1971, Bower House joined SHC, and the house eventually became a vegetarian-themed co-op. Today, Bower House is one of the most demanded co-op houses in East Lansing. In addition to being a vegetarian house, vegan options are included with every meal. Bower prides itself on being very environmentally-aware through its recycling and food purchases.