Houses sponsoring events where more than 10 non-members may attend must ensure compliance with the ICC Party Policy (Standing Rule 12.6.) The following checklist must be completed, electronically-signed, and submitted to ICC Central at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the event.
Standing Rules 12.6 (Party Policy) and 2.5 (Controlled & Illegal Substance Policy) provide our members with further guidelines and support. Please provide the information requested below for your checklist.
SR 12.6.3
How are you going to respond to potential emergencies?
community resources, police, campus safety, ICC President, etc.
A. Be on the premises throughout the event.
B. Remain sober at all times.
C. Ensure the event's compliance with the House Party Plan.
D. Speak with any and all authorities in the event of an emergency.
E. Prepare written reports of any incident occurring during the event that involves violence of any kind, illness, injury, or harassment of any kind.
F. Submit all Incident Reports to the ICC Office within 24 hours of the incident regardless of emergency status. (link to web incident report)
Please have the Sober Monitors you list below fill out the Sober Monitor Agreement Form.